Saturday, May 01, 2010


J. I. Packer wrote, “Death, even when unmentionable, remains inescapable. The one sure fact about life is that one day, with or without warning, quietly or painfully, it is going to stop. How will I, then, cope with death when my turn comes?”

The Psalmist prayed to the Lord, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). Uncomfortable as these considerations may be, it is wise for the living to contemplate their death. It is doubly wise when death makes a close approach.

Some years ago I was asked to call on a man who had recently been told by his doctor that his days were numbered. So I called him, made an appointment, and went to visit.

During our conversation, I asked him, “Now that you know your death is near, are you ready to die?”

“Yes,” he said, “I suppose I am.”

“Where do you expect you’ll be spending eternity?” I asked.

“In heaven, I hope,” was his reply.

“You hope?” I questioned gently. “Where does this hope come from?”

“I’ve been a pretty good man all my life. Never cheated, always kept my word, never stepped out on my wife.” He continued to recite a litany of good deeds in which he apparently hoped.

Concerned that his confidence was misplaced, I asked if he would like to know how to be sure, not just hope. He said he would.

For the next several minutes, I carefully shared with him the basics of the gospel. After explaining that Christ had done everything necessary for the salvation of anyone who would trust Him, I asked the man if he would like to put his faith in the Lord’s finished work.

“No thanks,” he replied. “All my life I’ve trusted in myself, and I’ll die trusting in myself.”

I was astonished. I’d never heard anyone listen so closely to the gospel only to have him refuse it so plainly. I reviewed the work of Christ, explained what it means to trust Him, and asked the man once more if he would like to place his life in Christ’s hands. His response still sends chills up my spine: “I’ve lived a pretty good life, and when it comes time for me to die, I’ll take my chances. Now, preacher,” he continued, “I think this conversation is over. You can leave.”

I hardly remember what happened after I left the man’s home. I was shaken by those four words he said to me: “I’ll take my chances.”

Appalling words, horrifying words: “I’ll take my chances.”

The sum total of human folly: “I’ll take my chances.”

Eternity is a very long time to take your chances.

I wonder how many other people are taking their chances, trusting in their good works, not relying on the only hope they’ve got, which is the person and work of Jesus Christ.

The one sure fact about life is that it’s going to end some day. I pray you’re not taking your chances when that day comes. Trust Christ now. He is your only hope. And He is hope enough.

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