Thursday, February 18, 2010

A BIBLICAL CHURCH, part 3: Responding to Biblical Truth

Last week we looked at the three biblical truths that comprise an outline of the gospel. Let’s review briefly.

Biblical truth #1 is that God is holy. God also has many other attributes, but what always comes first in Scripture is His holiness. And since that’s where God’s Word starts with God, it’s also where we ought to start.

Biblical truth #2 is that people are sinners. Once we realize that God is holy, our sinfulness becomes immediately obvious. Indeed, in every Scriptural account in which God reveals Himself to people, the first thing these people do is acknowledge their sin. Nobody has to tell them they’re sinners: that knowledge comes instantly in the light of God’s holiness.

These two biblical truths mean that humanity has a serious problem. Since God is holy and we are sinful, we are separated from Him; and to be separated from Him ultimately means hell forever. And that, beloved, is the most serious problem that exists.

Biblical truth #3 is that Christ is sufficient to solve our sin problem. He lived a perfectly sinless life so He can give us righteousness. Then He died under God’s wrath for our sins, so He can take away our punishment. Finally, He rose from the dead to live His life out in us.

Scripture is very clear that once we know these three biblical truths, a response is required. And that response is as simple as A – B – C.

A stands for “Admit.” Specifically, you and I need to admit we are sinners who need a Savior. It is sheer folly to suppose that we could establish our own righteousness before God by our own effort. Even if we lived perfectly for the rest of our lives, it’s already too late. Admit it: we’re sinners, and we need a Savior.

B stands for “Believe.” Scripture is very clear that salvation is given to us when we believe something, not when we try to do something. And the thing Scripture instructs us to believe is that Christ’s finished work is all we need. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Sadly, our culture has hijacked the term “believe,” and rendered it captive to broad misunderstanding. We need to refresh our understanding of what “believe” means in Scripture. That’s where the “C” comes in.

C stands for “Commit.” Scripture unambiguously declares that if we believe in Jesus, our believing necessarily includes committing our very lives to Him. In other words, so-called believing that does not include submitting your life to Christ, so that He may exercise His rightful Lordship in you, is not biblical belief at all.

So, where do you stand? Have you made an A – B – C response to the gospel? If not, I pray that you will do so today.

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