Thursday, December 13, 2007

Have a Mary Christmas!!


No, that’s not a spelling error. I know that we usually spell that word “m-e-r-r-y.” However, I wrote it as I meant it. I hope you have a “Mary” Christmas. M-a-r-y.

In Luke 10:38-42, the story is told of Jesus’ visit to the home of Mary and Martha. During the Lord’s time there, Martha was totally preoccupied with the preparations for His visit, which she apparently intended to turn into an elaborate banquet. Her full name might have been Martha Stewart!

All joking aside, a lot of us tend to be like Martha, especially during the Christmas season! We get so caught up in the preparations, the cooking, the wrapping, the things to do, that we totally miss the Lord’s own presence.

Indeed, even many Christians have more of a “Martha Christmas” than a “Mary Christmas.” Jesus is right there to be loved and worshipped, and we’re too busy with the trappings and the trimmings to even notice Him!

While Martha was busy with the food and the party, Mary, by contrast, spent her time seated at Jesus’ feet, listening to what He had to say. So enamored was she with her Lord that she was perfectly content to let the hustle and bustle pass her by. She even neglected some of her domestic duties! We know this, because Martha kept getting after her to come help with the cooking.

We might debate which of these women was doing right by her Lord. After all, hadn’t Jesus come there for a meal? Wasn’t it appropriate that proper attention should be devoted to its preparation?

If Jesus Himself had not told us what He wanted, we might still be debating whether Mary or Martha made the better choice that day. However, here’s what actually happened.

Frustrated with her sister’s apparent lack of concern about the meal, Martha protested to Jesus. She actually made so bold as to ask Him to tell Mary to go help in the kitchen! Jesus rebuked her, and said, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

That’s pretty clear: Mary made the better choice. Occasionally, and certainly at this time of year, we too have to choose between spending time with Jesus and doing something for Jesus. And when that happens, He Himself has instructed us plainly which is the better choice: spending time with Him.

I believe that is what Jesus is calling His Christmas merry-makers to do: just to be with Him, basking in the light of His incarnate glory, feasting on the beauty of His grace, resting in the heat of His holiness.

Let Jesus show you how to have a truly merry Christmas! On Christmas morning, before you open those gifts, before you eat that meal, spend some time with Jesus and have a Mary Christmas! That’s the only way to have a Merry Christmas!

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