Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas Quiz, part 2

Here is the second half of the Christmas Quiz we started last week. How did you do on part 1?
The correct answers with scripture references are at the end, so don’t peak until you’ve marked your answers. Remember to answer according to what you think the Bible says, because it is our only accurate source for the truth about Christmas.
11. When the shepherds finished their visit to Jesus, what did they do?
A. They just settled down for a long winter's nap.
B. They met the little drummer boy.
C. They asked Herod for further information.
D. They saw three ships come sailing in.
E. They had an impromptu worship service.
F. None of the above
12. Who saw the star in the east?
A. The Shepherds
B. Mary and Joseph
C. Three kings of orient
D. Herod
E. Both A and C
F. None of the above
13. The wise men stopped in Jerusalem to do what?
A. Inform Herod about Jesus.
B. Ask about the star they saw.
C. Find out where the king of the Jews was to be born
D. Get some Christmas gifts for Jesus.
E. Buy gas.
F. None of the above
14. What were the names of the wise men?
A. Crosby, Stills and Nash
B. Peter, Paul and Mary
C. Larry, Moe and Curly
D. Caspar, Melchior and Belthasar
E. Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod
F. No one knows
15. The wise men brought their gifts to Jesus while He was in . . .
A. A manger.
B. A stable.
C. A house.
D. A Holiday Inn.
E. A good mood.
F. None of the above.
16. What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus?
A. Silver and gold
B. A coat of many colors
C. Myrrh, gold and frankincense
D. A pillow to lay His head on
E. Gold, incense and mirth
F. None of the above
17. How many wise men came to see Jesus?
A. Seven
B. Five
C. Twelve
D. A multitude
E. Three
F. No one knows
18. Why did Joseph take baby Jesus to Egypt?
A. To show Him the pyramids.
B. To teach Him the wisdom of the pharaohs
C. To put him in a basket in the Nile.
D. Because an angel told him to do so in a dream.
E. To register for a census and be taxed.
F. None of the above.
19. Who tried to have Jesus killed shortly after the visit of the Wise Men?
A. Pontius Pilate
B. Herod
C. The Pharisees
D. The Saducees
E. The Zealots
F. None of the above
20. What is the best way I can celebrate the birth of Jesus?
A. Give lots of presents
B. Get lots of presents
C. Go to lots of parties
D. Eat lots of turkey
E. Watch lots of football
F. Believe that Jesus is God's Son, and receive Him as my own Lord and Savior

11. E; Luke 2:16-20
12. F; Matthew 2:1 They weren’t “kings.”
13. C; Matthew 2:1-2
14. F; Matthew 2:1 Scripture does not mention their names
15. C; Matthew 2:11a
16. C; Matthew 2:11b
17. F; Matthew 2:11b There were three gifts. The number of Wise Men is unknown.
18. D; Matthew 2:13
19. B; Matthew 2:7-16
20. F; John 1:11-12


Anonymous said...

I will not be commentless.

Anonymous said...

I got a 70% last week, but only 50% this week.
Guess some follow up study is needed?

Anonymous said...


SOMEBODY (besides my daughter) READ MY BLOG! (I know it wasn't my daughter, because she's seen the quiz before and would score higher than a 70% and 50%.)