Thursday, September 15, 2005


Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath have revealed some of the best and worst of humanity.

In the blaming and finger-pointing about responses to the disaster, we have seen evidence of two basic questions that dictate the way much of our culture operates. As Russ Kreuter posted a few weeks ago on his blog, question number one is, "How can I get what I deserve?" Number two is the corollary of number one: "Who can I blame when I don't get what I deserve?"

These two questions have come to dominate western society. Our culture asserts that the top priorities for our existence are taking care of ourselves, being certain that all our own needs are met, and securing all our rights.

I've got news for you: our culture is wrong.

The fact is, we exist for the glory of God. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

Sometimes that means we're happy. Sometimes it means we're not so happy. But always it means that God is the center of the universe. You and I are not.

In other words, it's not about you and me.

Who is "it" about, then?

It's about God.

Happiness and fulfillment, those blessings we long for, are actually the by-product of being in an intimate relationship with God. If you pursue happiness as its own goal, you'll never find it. If you chase fulfillment apart from God, your efforts will leave you dry and empty, and probably bitter in the end.

That's why all the talk about "what we deserve" is so dangerous.

When you get down to it, what DO we deserve? From God, that is?

Before you answer, remember why God created us. We are made in His image, the bible says in Genesis 1:26-28. That means we are meant to reflect Him to the rest of creation, to each other, and even back to Him. No other beings in the universe bear that glorious imprint of God.

And what have we done with that glorious imprint? We have turned it inward upon ourselves. Rather than being caught up with God's glory, we have become consumed with ourselves. In every situation, though we were created to focus on God, our theme song has turned from "To God Be the Glory!" into "I Did It My Way!"

In view of such self-absorption, what we really deserve is this: a life of misery followed by eternity separated from God. Anything other than that - any joy, any fulfillment, any goodness and light - is evidence of the mercy of God.

By His mercy, God does much more than "let us off the hook" or "look the other way" about our selfish rebellion. His mercy involves true justice; and in His system of justice, mercy is tied to Jesus' death on the cross. It was there that He took upon Himself the rightful punishment our sinful rebellion requires.

In other words, God's mercy means we DON'T get what we deserve!

And that, my brothers and sisters, is good news. Indeed.


Russ said...

Pastor John,

Thanks for the gospel presentation. I am so spoiled. I must realize that EVERYTHING this side of hell is pure grace and mercy.

Laura's blog is great. I very much enjoy reading both of your blogs. It has been insanely busy as of late, so it is a kind of "hit and miss" with me. Know that I am very encouraged by your comments and posts. I look forward to future reads.

Laura said...

Woo Hoo! I'm so excited that you started your blog! Russ has been saying you should for weeks. Great job. I love you!